Bible Passages: Genesis 1-2, Psalms 1, Proverbs 13, and Matthew 1
Genesis 1-2
Genesis chapter one is all about God. It starts by introducing us to the one who philosophers have called the ultimate being. The point being that Genesis one introduces us to the taxonomy of creation. God is the highest form of being because he created all other beings and all other forms of life. God is the ultimate being by virtue of his creative power and authority. Genesis one declares this from the beginning, “In the beginning, God created…” God was before everything as we know it, and he has authority over all things because he created them. We are not to worship the sun, moon, or stars. We are not to worship the land or the sea. We are not to worship the natural order. We are not to worship the universe. God is the only one worthy of worship, because, he is the one that created everything. At the very beginning of Genesis one, our minds are drawn to God as the ultimate being. God is worthy of worship because he is our creator.
We also see that God is a trinity. Genesis one does not explicitly declare that God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but it does give some subtle clues that the rest of the Bible will take and fill in. First of all, it was God who created the heavens and the earth. The Father is leading the creation process. Second, the Holy Spirit was hovering over the face of the waters. The Holy Spirit was active in the process. Third, God spoke the world into existence and according to John 1 the Word is the Son. Therefore, Genesis one must be interpreted in light of the trinitarian teaching of the whole Bible.
Another observation is that man is the pinnacle of the creative order. When we get to Gen. 1:26, special emphasis and care is given to the creation of humanity. We see that humanity is created in the image of God, and because of humanities place in creation they are given dominion or authority over all other living things. Humanity is God’s image bearers, to the rest of creation. Humanity has a special place in God’s plan as God’s visual representatives on earth. What a special part of God’s plan humanity gets to play.
Genesis two reveals to use the importance of the seventh day, but it also zooms in and highlights the sequence of events that surround the creation of man. Starting in verse seven of chapter two, we see that God took great interest and utilized much creativity in creating Adam. However, it did not take Adam long to realize that he had no companion that corresponded to him like the rest of the created order. God took this situation and showed Adam how much he loved him by creating Eve. God provided a companion for man by creating woman, and showed Adam that he would provide for him. God’s provision is on display in Genesis two.
We must realize that God is the ultimate being and we are not. God is the only one worthy of worship. There is no creature or part of creation that can supersede God. God is the creator and deserves all the glory, honor, and praise. Furthermore, we must also realize our role in God’s plan. We are the pinnacle of his creation. We are his image bearers. We should seek his deliverance from our natural bondage to sin, and pursue being his image bearers on earth. We should seek to bring the earth under dominion and rule properly as the pinnacle of creation.
Psalm 1
Psalm one sets out two different pictures of life. First is the picture of the blessed man and second is the picture of the wicked man. Psalm one clearly points to the difference between these two men being their relationship to the law of the Lord. The blessed man loves the law and the wicked man hates the law. In other words, the blessed man hears the law and responds in joy and obedience. In contrast, the wicked man hears the law of the Lord and responds in disgust and hatred.
Psalm one highlights the fact that the blessed man knows and continually meditates on the law of the Lord. The blessed man has an encounter with the law regularly. However, the wicked man hates the law and runs from it. His running gets him nowhere. He can’t even stand up on the Day of Judgment. Instead, he will be totally consumed. The point is to highlight the desirability of the blessed and to warn people about the fate of the wicked.
We need to be good students of the Bible. If we do not find ourselves loving the Word of God then we are in danger of being judged as a wicked person. Our relationship to the Bible is important.
Proverbs 13
Proverbs 13:13 highlights the importance of our attitude towards God’s Word. If we despise the word of God then we will face destruction. However, if we love God’s commandments then we will be rewarded. Again, our position and disposition towards the Bible reveals whether we will be blessed or judged by God. We have to take the Bible seriously.
Proverbs 13:24 should be recognized by every parent. It commands us to discipline our children and to love them by using corporal punishment. The social notion “no spanking” is ruled out by Proverbs 13:24. A loving parent will at times get their child’s attention by spanking them. It will be done in love and for their own good.
Love your Bible and don’t be afraid to spank your children.
Matthew 1
Genealogies always point to the protection and governance of God. Without God’s providence the lineage of the genealogy would surely be broken. Ultimately, God is seen as in control through Jesus’ genealogy. This point is further driven home by the fact that Matthew connects the genealogy to God’s stepping in a providing the needed information for Joseph to marry Mary. God’s providence is highlighted in Matthew 1.
God cares about his plan and his people. If you are one of God’s people, then you can be confident that God will bring about his plan. Therefore, God’s people have a hope that extends past the grave. God is in control so we can trust him.